Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 1 of my journey - I have arrived

So, here I am in Wisconsin, having driven through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois to get here.  771 miles to be exact.

I'm in a hotel room. TV is off.  I'm in my lounging mode and I'm typing my story.  My first thought as I put my fingers on the keyboard was, "Now what do I say?"

I sort of feel like I'm someone else and not me.  Maybe a famous writer, who ACTUALLY has time to write.  But, happily, it's me and I'm actually doing this...the real Cathy.

Just a little background, I've wanted to be a writer ever since I was a young girl.  I loved English, in good ole CCHS, with Mr. Lamont. I had the added benefit of having him as a next door neighbor, but I was too shy back then to even say one or two words to him, in school or out.  He was my teacher, after all.  I did babysit for his little kids once in a while and as I remember it, his wife would pay me with rolled up dollar bills and I would snatch it from her hand, not wanting to look at what I'd earned, and run home.  I did let them know the kids were still living, but I really can't believe I was that much of an introvert back then.  Teachers were i-n-t-i-m-i-d-a-t-i-n-g.

I also wrote some things for my church youth group, presenting an Easter Sunrise message in 1971.  I think the real pastor didn't want to get up that early, or something.  Nah, that wasn't it, Sorry pastor, it was a youth service and I was the only one with gumption to stand at the podium.  Now, isn't that ironic... I can stand up in front of a group of people, but can't talk one on one to my teacher?  Another teacher, Miss Shaffer, in speech class gave me a "B-" because she saw my knees shaking.

The content of that sunrise message is long gone from my memory but, it just so happened that my future husband was in the congregation that morning.  He was visiting me, on leave from the Marine Corps stationed in Cherry Point, NC.  We would be engaged by 1973 and married in 1974 (even AFTER he heard me speak. lol)

Seriously, I believe that I have a calling to write about my experiences in life because God has certainly given me enough to write about, and a gift for writing that I haven't been able to use.  Knowing that there are people out in the world, each one having a story, I just may be able to relate to a few of them in their journey, whether it is with care giving a brain injured spouse or adoption. It gives comfort when we know we are not alone in things.

In 1989, I wrote my first professional article, so on my resume, I added "professional writer". (Ha)  I was paid $50 by State College the Magazine to write a story.  This was, in my humble opinion, the first step into my world of writing fame.  I was about to be the next Samuel Clemons, or so I thought, but that wasn't meant to be.  To everything there is a season.

The article was about adoption and the triad comprised of the adoptee, the birth-mother and the adoptive parent.  Since I had met the mothers of both my adopted daughters and was raising two girls whom I had not given life, I thought I was an expert.  The article was titled:  "Building a Family: Adoption as an option".

Question... Can you become an expert only through experience or do you have to have some formal schooling to be considered an expert?  I'd love to hear your opinions, feel free to comment.  My journey with adoptions will be part of my writings later, however this week the focus is on the visit to my first husband's grave and his and my life journey as it went.

Ironically, the article for "State College the Magazine" was published in the August 1989, issue.  My newly found confidence that I could be a famous writer, took a very very back seat that same month when on August 23, 1989, my husband, Dan, was hit by a car.

He suffered severe brain injuries, I became a caregiver for him as well as a single mother, raising two young girls, three and nine years old.  No time for writing now, God's plan is never flawed, but I'm sure glad that He doesn't let us see into the future, because I would have never thought I had enough strength to get to the other side of this journey.

August, truly does hold some roller coaster emotions for me.

Now, getting back to the present, it's been a good trip thus far.  I'm staying at the Hilton Garden Inn, in Oshkosh, WI.  I love Hilton. When I got here, I noticed that the maid had not emptied the trash can in the bathroom.  "horror"  I thought to myself, "ewww" but there wasn't anything really nasty, so I went about my task of unpacking my suitcase.

Soon, the hotel phone rang and it was the front desk.  She asked if my room was satisfactory and if there was anything I needed.  (I love Hilton for the attention they pay to me.  I feel like I am somebody)  They don't know that I do not have maid service at home.  I said all was fine, but then said, "I don't mean to be petty, but the maid didn't empty the trash in the bathroom from the last guest."

Well, low and behold, she gave me three complimentary breakfasts ($11.00 value each) for the inconvenience.  When I went to pick up the coupons, I told her I was embarrassed at getting such a nice gift for such a small miss by the maid.  She told me that we pay "good money" for our visit and they wanted everything to be perfect.  Besides, I think she knew I would tell my friends.

It is Hilton, after all.

So, I'm going back to lounging and watching TV.  I will be updating this blog again soon. Tomorrow would have been Dan's 66th birthday, I plan to go by myself, for the first time, to his graveside and talk with him a little bit.  (Is that weird?)  I'm sure I'll have a good account for you next time I update.

I hope you enjoy reading my journey and feel free to comment with any questions or comments of your own.  I may miss some vital pieces as we go and don't want you to be confused.  Anyone can comment. (I think.)  I'm new at this too, so give me a shout out on Facebook if you run into any problems.

The Real Cathy

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The Real Cathy is the girl from Emporium, PA


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