Friday, February 8, 2019

A Daytona Beach Sunrise

Sunrise Daytona Beach, FL 2/8/19
It is 8:50 AM and already there has been so much action it's hard for me to take it in.
I woke up to watch the sunrise for the second day in a row and, while I was taking pictures, I saw two Mennonite kids walking on the beach.  The lime green and black colors of their clothing was the first thing that I noticed and, of course, the girl's long dress.

Seeing them on the beach was odd, but then they walked back closer to me and, as I spied on them from my balcony on floor twelve, each of them bent down and used their hands to draw a heart in the sand.

As they say, "It wondered me to see them that close to the ocean". I also marveled at what their thoughts must be from living so simply in every day life, to standing on the sand of this expansive body of water.

The "Awe" they must feel!

The "Love" they must have at this moment in time, for each other.  May it last forever in their hearts.

I watched the sun come up until I couldn't watch any more, as it hurt my eyes.  I took pictures but they look like the pictures I took yesterday.

Same sun. Same ocean. Different day.

But it isn't "Same ole, same ole".  It FEELS like a different day.  Then I started getting text messages.

Not good text messages.

My sister writes that my Dad woke her up in the night, shaking and with a fever.  The ambulance was called and they were off to the ER.  He had just been to Cleveland Clinic the day before for a follow up check after having had a kidney stone removed the week before.

At the ER, he was diagnosed with an infection and readmitted to the main campus of Cleveland Clinic.

Here I was, looking out over my balcony railing and admiring God's beauty and young peoples innocence and just that quickly, I had to come back to the real world.  Back to the real Cathy.

Do you think that God gives us glimpses of heaven while we deal with the realities on Earth?

Image result for birds on the beachEach sunrise over the past two days, I noticed that the flocks of birds sit on the sand of the beach until the sun rises and only when the sun is above the horizon, they start flying and fishing and chirping.  But until the sun is high enough in the sky, they wait.

They "wait on the Lord".

Isaiah 40:30  "but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Romans 8:25: "But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."

Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."  This is my Birthday Verse.  I was born on 12/12.

Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord".

While I'm writing this, my sister is dealing with my Dad being admitted again to the hospital with an infection, when they thought he was on the road to recovery.  He is scared, confused and not at all happy.  I'm texting both sisters to say "this" and "that" and remind him that "This too shall pass".

It's so difficult to be so far away at times like this.  But my confidence in prayer says that my Dad will be fine very soon.

Just don't be scared Dad.

I'm continuing to pray for my Dad and watching the ocean as it moves closer to the shore.

Image result for mustard seed
Tiny Mustard Seed Matthew 17:20
God moves the moon which moves the ocean and He tells me that with faith only as big is a tiny mustard seed, I can tell a mountain to move.

Therefore, today, I'm telling this mountain my Dad is climbing in his health, right now, to move.... go away.... My Dad will be JUST FINE.

Butterfly Blessings everyone,
The Real Cathy

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The Real Cathy is the girl from Emporium, PA


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