Friday, January 10, 2020


It is unbelievable that this year is Twenty-Twenty.  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was writing, at the head of my school paper, "Cathy Ostrum: 6/6/1966"?

Well, it seems like just yesterday.

I try not to think back through my whole life, especially during the holidays because I've made some really great blunders.  However from time to time, while I lay in bed during the middle of the night, thoughts of "what if I had...." Sneak in to my slumber.  Then I'm up for the rest of the night.  You probably know what I'm talking about.

What if we had not adopted my two girls?  What if I would have been able to give birth to my "own" children?  Getting old and looking back is not for the weak in spirit.

My answer is that I did HAVE my OWN children.  We just got them in a different way from child birth.

This Christmas we were so happy and blessed to have been able to experience the true Joy of Jesus showing up in the eyes of our little granddaughter, every day.  I can not imagine life without her in it.  She is God's gift to me during this season of my life.

Skylar Nicole Swope will celebrate her third birthday on January 19, 2020.  In those three years, she has developed a very big vocabulary, learned how to enlarge and shrink pictures on a touch screen and she has drilled a deep whole in my heart, next to Christ, that only she can fill.

Skylar loves to dance and sing the "Moon Song" when we look out into the night sky.  She likes yogurt, McDonald hamburgers and apples.  She also loves her "Megah" and Pap-Pap".  My heart smiles when she comes in to our house and says in that little melodic voice, "Meggaahh, where are you"?  Grandchildren are such a blessing.

To my readers, friends and family, we pray for inner peace, financial blessing and joy through this new year.  Let the smiles of children, brighten your day, remember that the reason for the season is the birth of The Baby Jesus.

May we all see life "CLEARLY" as through the eyes of children in 2020!

Much Love,
The Real Cathy

The Real Cathy is the girl from Emporium, PA


This most beautiful photograph was created by Marlie Plank, an Austrian abstract photographer.  A picture of the photograph does not do it j...

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